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Memory Keepsake Ideas for Busy, Modern-Day Moms

Hey, mama. Is your head feeling too heavy for your shoulders? Because you, my friend, are wearing ALL.THE. HATS. And it just might be time to take a few off, hang them on thecoat hook, and let us help out in the memory keeping and gift-giving departments.

What’s that? You’re not ready to hand over any of your motherly roles to someone else?Especially not the warm and fuzzy, sentimental things like documenting special events and memories for the special people in your lives? I’ve been there. I hear you. And now I’m telling you, it’s OKAY. 

Somewhere along the way, modern society - as wonderful as it is - started telling 21st century moms that they can, and dare I sayshould, have it all: a spouse, 2.5 kids, dog, house with a yard, a professional career, and meaningful friendships. Now don’t get me wrong, all of those things are fabulous.  

The problem is, we’ve also been led to feel that it’s ALL ON US to manage and nurture ALL THOSE THINGS: quality family time, walking the dog, nurturing friendships, caregiving for aging parents, scheduling school and extracurricular activities, getting kids to and from said activities, networking for work, and keeping an entire household not only running smoothly, but ensuring it looks Pinterest and Instagram-worthy, too.

That’s a lotta hats,right? Now allow me to add a few more on top of that beautiful head of yours.  Let’s also try on party organizer, trip planner, family photographer, family historian, and professional gift giver. How’s that head now? Starting to feel the weight of those umpteen hats? Yeah, me too...


Simply put, memory keeping is the act of preserving our most important memories and milestones in a way that they can be shared with, enjoyed by, and memorialized for the people to whom they’ll matter in the future.

You, your children, your grandchildren, your close friends, and so on.



When you think of “memory-keeping” you probably picture a thick scrapbook or photo album that’s collecting dust on a shelf in your living room or tucked away in the bottom of your hope chest. Am I right?

And I’m guessing you don’t associate the phrase with beautiful, modern designs that actually look pretty on the mantle, shelf, or dresser.

Then again, when you think of memory-keeping, does your stomach sink a bit because you HAVEN’T done anything with your memories? Does it sadden and overwhelm you? And gives you yet another healthy dose of #momguilt that you really didn’t need today?

It’s easy for us moms to think of memory-keeping as a tedious, expensive, and time-consuming hobby (or full time JOB) that just doesn’t end. Cause all those milestones and memories keep a-coming. Truly one of the sweetest parts of living a rich and blessed life, right?

I mean how lucky are you to share in all of life’s greatest moments with people you love: weddings, milestone anniversaries, births, babies’ year of firsts or even something like their baptism or the things that make them who they are?  Answer: pretty damn lucky.

All of these are huge milestones that deserve to be celebrated because we’ve all heard:


“I wish somebody would have told me, babe. Someday, these will be the good old days…”(queue Macklemore)

As much as I love that song, I want to look back on the early years of motherhood and feel satisfied with how I chose to spend my time. Because we all want to be the mom who makes the most of those fleeting, formative first years of our kids’ lives. To be present and mindful in giving them our love, affection, and undivided attention. To create safe spaces that encourage imagination and exploration. And toinspire their learning through timeless, well-made toys.

While Idowant to enjoy life in-the-moment with my kiddos, I also don’t want to be a mom who looks back on "those days" with nothing more than a bazillion unorganized digital photos to peruse. I yearn for a happy medium: all that fun quality time with my loved ones, along with keepsakes I can physically touch, see, and feel to remind me (and them) of those times.


The upside of wearing lots of hats? You’rethereandpresentto experience the special times in your children's lives. You’re close to it all, and so you’re the one who sees and remembers the small moments and sweet memories that are shaping who your child becomes. This ispriceless.

But also priceless is the time, energy, and creativity you expend trying to organize, document, and display all of those moments and memories. Along with finding unique and thoughtful gifts for friends and extended family so they remembertheirmoments and memories, too.

Are you a dedicated scrapbooking super mom who’s somehow kept up with it all and your kids’ scrapbooks are safely tucked away and up-to-date? That’s awesome! High fives! I commend you. No really. I’m on my knees (not because I’m picking up the legos I just stepped on for the fifth time) looking up at you with true awe and admiration.  You certainly seem to be wearing your ginormous memory-keeping hat well.

But if you’renot the kind of mom I just mentioned, then let’s be open to some outside help with all of this. (That way, the next time your binging your favorite Netflix series, you won’t be subconsciously feeling guilty about how far behind you are on this.)


Memory-keeping doesn’t have to be cutesy, fussy, cluttered, or old-fashioned. There are a lot of modern ways to savor your memories that are simple and beautiful!

When you begin to look back through your memories - whether through photos, your calendar, journal entries, etc. - the important moments start to jump out at you. You always remember the moments that left an imprint on your heart and those are moments that should be cherished forever.

The most beautiful thing about transforming your memories into something tangible - that will withstand the test of time - is that you’re selecting beautiful keepsakes what will matter to your family and close friends for years to come.


When you select and personalize our Keepsake Milestone Blocks, youwon’t have to compromise your style, and youwill get major kudos for putting obvious time and sentiment into a thoughtful and beautiful personalized keepsake.  Bonus: you won’t want to hide these blocks away when it comes time to snap that next pic for your Instagram feed!

Instead you can use theseKeepsake Milestone Blocks as a conversation starter, as decor that you savor, and something that allows you to reminisce while dusting or tidying up your spaces.

We're here to ensure you get nothing but the best: personal, safe, and natural heirloom toys and decor pieces you'll treasure for years to come.  Our collection ofhardwood blocks to commemorate life’s milestones and memories have been our signature best sellers for years, and once you check them out we’re certain you’ll see why!

These are the Keepsake Milestone Blocks that you can curate on your own time to begin your memory-keeping collection for your family or for others you love:


Girl's or Boy's Birth Block

Our signaturekeepsake wooden girl's birth block orkeepsake wooden boy’s birth block are favorites among new parents and an heirloom gift your little one will treasure long past childhood. In addition to the baby's name and birth details, we'll also engrave their U.S. state (or world country) of birth with a heart over the city of your choice. Add a personalized message on the bottom so they'll never forget you're thinking of them.


Baby Memorial Block

Because the saddest, most heartbreaking moments in life deserve to be remembered, too. Our personalized wooden baby memorial block is a thoughtful and cherished memento to celebrate and remember a child's precious time on earth. This bereavement keepsake features baby's name, monogram initial, date(s) of choice, and options for a personal message on the bottom.


Adoption Block

Families grow in different ways, and adopted children have another memorable date beyond their birthday: the day they were welcomed home into your family. OurAdoption Block is the ideal gift to commemorate such a significant day. This block features a special "Welcome Home" graphic, and includes both the child's birthday as well as their "welcomed home" date. Child's name, monogram letter, and city/state (or country) finish off the remainder of the 6-sided block.


Baptism Block

A stunning heirloom baptism gift for little girls and boys - personalize this six-sided, solid hardwoodBaptism Block for a truly unique keepsake. Gorgeous handcrafted maple wood, original designs, and our all natural homegrown finish make this a timeless and lasting christening gift they'll always treasure!  The one comment we always hear about this block is,“I’m so glad I finally found a beautiful, sophisticated, and personalized baptismal gift that parents actually like and want to keep on display!”



Commemorate all the special milestones in baby's first year with our keepsakeMy Year of Firsts hardwood block.  First words, first foods, first can customize each side of this block with the special firsts of your choice. Handmade in the USA, this is a one-of-a-kind heirloom to be treasured for years to come!


All About Me Block

Celebrate all of the special traits that make your child unique! Our one-of-a-kindAll About Me keepsake wooden blocks are a creative way to always remember his or her funny quotes, favorites, dreams for the future, and more at any given age.  Such a fun way to celebrate any age birthday or other holiday!


Keepsake Wedding Block

Newlyweds don't need more towels or a china dish they'll use once a year. Give the newlyweds in your life a keepsake wedding gift that'll remind them of their first looks, tearing up during vows, and dancing the night away. Our personalizedkeepsake wedding blocks are unique to each couple, with a timeless style that'll never grow old.


Anniversary Wooden Block

What should you give the couple who doesn't need another "thing"? An unexpected keepsake that celebrates their married life in a personalized way! Ourwooden anniversary blocks are ideal fifth wedding anniversary gifts (the traditional material for five years is wood), but we can customize it for any number of years. Feel free to hand select your choice of personalization options to make it perfectly unique for their beautiful life together.


When you preserve your family’s memories, you're freeing up your mental space to be more present in the moment with your loved ones. This is because you're not subconsciously trying to hang onto important details in the past to be sure you find a way to remember them for the future.  Simple decor pieces like our keepsake milestone blocks let their recipients easily see, reflect on, and enjoy life’s signature moments.

That means a few less hats on your head, mama. Now isn’t this an incredible feeling?!

So what are you going to do? Are you going to let your memories sit on your devices, collect dust, and fade away? Run to Target last-minute to get something on their baby or wedding registry? Not that that wouldn’t be appreciate, but let’s be honest... A gift on the registry is the easy way out. And when style and tastes change and that gift is no longer on-trend, it won’t be the keepsake treasure that a personalized milestone or memory block is destined to become.

Now let’s do this! Start small. Choose one recently passed or upcoming event, or one person you’ve been dying to find the perfect something for. Just remember: no matter where you are on your life journey, it’s never too late to start telling your story.

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