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GIVEAWAY | The Book of Everyone

Do you remember how much (unsolicited) advice you received when your little one was born? We certainly do! Being a parent is one of the most demanding, most grueling (and smelliest) things you could do, and sifting through the heaps and heaps of advice telling you how to parent the ‘right way’ only makes the experience more difficult. From choosing the right food to finding the best way to get them to sleep, you would end up with sixty-six opinions from fifty-six different people. You know what we mean!

And which is why we are so excited to partner withThe Book of Everyone, a unique concept which makes personalized gift books. Their new bookWise(ish) Words for New Parents is a product created by their founders (who are all parents) and the members of their active social community so all the golden nuggets of wisdom in this book are tried and tested.

Just like us, they also understand the struggle of being a new parent and share our mission to help parents navigate the journey of parenthood with a smile.

From ‘Permanent pens are weapons of mass destruction.’ to ‘Embrace the chaos!’,  the advice in the book may not give you all the answers to your parenting woes, but will definitely cheer you up before the next diaper change.

Both Smiling Tree Toys and The Book of Everyone envision a more creative and responsible world for both kids and parents. In today’s era of digital communication and quick entertainment, we share the sentiment to foster personal communication and a natural curiosity among kids - with unique toys and wonderful books created in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Together with our friends at The Book of Everyone we are happy to announce a giveaway for the Smiling Tree Toys community. Keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook and Instagram channels to win a unique personalized book. The winners will be rewarded with a personal promo code to make their personalized version of Wise(ish) Words AND a $20 Smiling Tree Toys store credit. The code is applicable for alleditions of Wise(ish) Words booksby The Book of Everyone.

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