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Moms We Love: @melissa.ferguson

This month we are honored to be featuring Melissa Ferguson of @melissa.fergusonon Instagram. Melissa shares her journey to becoming a photographer, how she balances work/mom life and what she's hoping for in 2023. 

Read all about it:

Can you tell readers a little about yourself and your backstory?

Hey everyone! I’m Melissa (but those close to me call me Missy). While I’m a family and newborn photographer, my favorite job is being a mom to my daughter Camden and my son Bode. We reside in the suburbs outside of the Shenandoah mountains and love living in a place where we get to experience all 4 seasons. We love to travel and explore, and one of our new favorite spots is our beach house in the outer banks!

@melissa.ferguson Mom we Love on Instagram

How did you first get into photography?

I started my business almost 6 years ago now, but I’ve been doing photography since elementary school! I started doing an after school club where we were able to develop our own prints in the dark room. I took a class again in high school and knew this was something I loved. Photography was my major in college but unfortunately when I moved down to Virginia I didn’t pick up my camera for awhile. After my daughter was born that spark was reignited and I started my business shortly after 🤗. Documenting the special moments for other families is why I do what I do. There’s always so many stories to tell, all different and special in their own way!

What is your favorite kind of photography session?

My absolute favorite session is newborn hospital sessions (fresh 48). There’s just something about it. Babies change SO much in those first few days. I always look back at photos of my son and giggle about his hairy ears and all the wrinkles. I always leave fresh 48’s with happy tears and a full heart.

What are some things that have helped you balance work life and mom life?

Things that have helped me balance being a mom and business owner are simply having boundaries. I remember when I first started my business I felt like I had to dive in and give it every second of my day. I’ve learned to give myself grace and not feel overwhelmed with my schedule. My most important thing is sectioning off time during busy season to just be with my family.

mom we love: @melissa.ferguson photographer and her family

How has social media impacted you/your business (positively or negatively)?

Social media can be daunting. It’s a love/hate relationship over here 😂. When I first started my business it was very important to me to have a huge social media presence. The numbers I saw for likes and views would determine my mood for the whole day. I feel like this topic goes hand in hand with setting boundaries for myself. I don’t need to post everyday, I don’t need to care how many likes I get and I don’t need to stress about how many followers I have. This is something that has taken A LOT of time to be okay with. On the other hand though I am super grateful for the relationships I’ve been able to build, especially through Instagram. I have connected with so many awesome businesses (much like Smiling Tree Toys!)

What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

I keep saying that 2023 is going to be my year for peace. It’s very easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle. I’m hoping to take things day by day this year and not stress over what I cannot control – in my business and in everyday life. I’m excited to see all the fun things that happen with my business and partnerships! 

@melissa.ferguson husband and kids

If you like real-life mom content, stunning photography, great product recommendations and so much more, then @melissa.ferguson is a must follow! 

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