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Smiling Tree Toy's Top Moments of 2018

Wow, 2018 was a remarkable year for Smiling Tree Toys and the Smith Family too! We thought it'd be fun to look back on our top moments/accomplishments/milestones/etc of 2018: 
  1. Shipped Smiling Tree Toys to over 20 countries. 🌍
  2. Added 4 (freaking awesome!) seasonal employees during the busy holiday season.
  3. Celebrated 7 years of Smiling Tree Toys in March. 🎉
  4. Donated to Peace Corps Thailand Camp GLOW/BROS
  5. Expanded our Keepsake Blocks with our Memorial and Adoption Baby Blocks.
  6. Added over 25 new Christmas ornament designs. 🎄
  7. Said goodbye to Smiling Tree Home cutting boards & kitchen items this past spring.
  8. Donated to 18 different charities/fundraisers to support individual children's medical journeys and youth-related organizations. Check out one of our recipients learning to crawl here!
  9. Did our part to SAVE THE BEES! We planted two acres of native flowers and grasses to support pollinating insects. 🐝
  10. In August we took our first family vacation to Colorado, and didn't have to close up shop while were away (first time ever!). ⛰
  11. Broke ground on the Smith Family Treehouse Extraordinaire.
  12. Celebrated both Judah's first birthday and the first anniversary of moving him home from the NICU (Esophageal Atresia Warrior!). 
  13. Had the honor of being featured on Etsy (Spell Well Name Puzzle), Cool Mom Picks (Toy Crate) and Star Tribune (Smiling Moon Balancer).
  14. Perhaps most instrumental to our sanity, we welcomed the world's best in-home baby sitter to our family! Jessica is working towards her degree in social work and cares for our younger kids several days a week while also keeping the laundry folded, the toys sorted, and bellies full. 🙌

There you have it! We're so thankful for everything we were able to experience in 2018 and couldn't be more excited to see what 2019 has in store for us. Happy New Year!!

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