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the reading nook

When you shop small and support Smiling Tree, a lot of good things happen!  Discover the WHO and WHAT your purchase supports, and join us in creating a community of compassionate caregivers who believe that simple, well made toys are timeless treasures for priceless childhood memories.
  • 3 min read
At Smiling Tree Toys, we love discovering brands with values that match ours. That's why we are so excited to partner with The Book of Everyone this week!
  • 2 min read
One of my favorite things as a mother is to look back on how my babies changed their first year of life. For my youngest child, I used Smiling Tree Toy's Photography Prop Age Blocks to take photos each month and I absolutely love them!
  • 2 min read
Do you remember playing with toys as a child? Do you remember telling stories with the toys? Stories without toys are still incredible, but toys add a bit more. Here's why your child's stories will blossom and evolve when adding toys!
  • 2 min read
It was after a very long winter and losing a close loved one that I started sorting out what is really important to me. My thought process included, “What do I value?” and “What do I want to teach my daughter?” I was in a constant hurry and was sick of dreading yes or no decisions. It was at this point in my life I found minimalism and became a Minimalist Mom.
  • 4 min read
When we as parents take a moment to stop and ask ourselves why we're dragging our kids from one activity to the next, we are often surprised by the answer. In slowing down we are able to really enjoy the magic in simple everyday moments with our children.
  • 4 min read