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the reading nook

It was after a very long winter and losing a close loved one that I started sorting out what is really important to me. My thought process included, “What do I value?” and “What do I want to teach my daughter?” I was in a constant hurry and was sick of dreading yes or no decisions. It was at this point in my life I found minimalism and became a Minimalist Mom.
  • 4 min read
Earth Day is like Christmas to those as passionate about the environment as we are. But it's only one day, and we believe in treating EVERY day like Earth Day. This holds true in both our personal and professional lives. When it comes to Smiling Tree Toys, we make every effort to ensure our family's business is as environmentally responsible as possible.

In honor of National Peace Corps Week, we're sharing a glimpse of our life as Peace Corps volunteers in Niger, West Africa.  Learn more about how every Smiling Tree purchase supports Peace Corps development projects, and let our pictures and letters home carry you away to another world!



  • 6 min read
I've been meaning to switch our household over to organic foods for a while now, but something always seems to block my efforts. Convenience is the biggest obstacle for me. Like most families, I'm always in a hurry and have both limited time and a limited budget. Basically, if there are two products on the shelf, one organic and the other not, I would always choose the organic one. Anything beyond that was asking too much. But no more: I hereby declare 2014 the year we finally go organic!

New Year's Resolution | Going Organic
  • 4 min read